Ease Minds

End of Life Planning

Do you worry about who will look after you in your final days?

Did someone recently die and it has you thinking about what matters most to you at the end of life?

Have you received news which brings your mortality into clearer view?

Planning brings you a peace of mind and is a gift for your loved ones who want to meet all your wishes from a place of understanding. It is never too early to make a plan and it is easier when death is not actively sitting beside you in the room.

As your Guide, I offer you:

  • Facilitation to identify your values and what is important to you at the end of life

  • Knowledge about your end of life and after-life choices

  • Recommended forms and templates to document your end of life plans

  • Compassionate listening and guidance as you make your choices and wrestle with mortality

  • Guidance and support on how to communicate your choices to medical professionals and loved ones

  • Referrals to legal and financial partners as needed

Ask for Help

End of Life Support

Were you recently diagnosed with a terminal illness and not sure what is next?

Are you receiving medical care and treatment but wishing for more holistic support at the end of life?

Are you caregiving for someone on palliative care or in hospice and feeling overwhelmed?

Many of us learn about death and dying while it is actively happening in our lives. It can be scary and overwhelming to try to catch up - figure out all the to-dos, grapple with the emotions of it all, and continue to connect with life and loved ones in a meaningful way.

As your Guide, I offer you:

  • Information on what tasks to prioritize and logistical support

  • Knowledge about what choices are available at the end of life that align with one’s values and sense of dignity

  • Knowledge about what can be expected as a body dies, alleviating fear of the unknown and enhancing comfort care

  • Respite, comfort, and a shoulder for caregivers

  • Support and tools to help “let go”

  • Coordination of important family and community conversations

  • Sacred space holding

  • Sitting bedside vigil during the last days and hours of life

  • Home funeral facilitation

Live with Loss

Grief Space Holding

Are you anticipating a loved one's death and already feeling the loss?

Have you lost an identity, a home, a pet, a dream, or loved one and need support?

Are the collective sufferings of the world weighing heavy on your heart?

Grief can show up in all kinds of ways and at all kinds of times. It is painful and hard to face, but over time untended grief manifests into physical, mental, and emotional health problems.

As your Guide, I offer you:

  • A safe, loving space to acknowledge and express your grief

  • Information around grief and how it can show up

  • Rituals to help unlock the grip of grief and also honor what has passed

Start the Conversation

Schedule a complimentary introductory call and we will go from there.