Navigate the challenges of death and grief with a compassionate guide by your side.

I provide clarity and calm to individuals, families and caregivers amidst the uncertainty and overwhelm of loss and letting go.

I am a proactive doer who meets you with love and compassion.

Schedule a conversation today.

  • Ease Minds: End of Life Planning

    Make death less daunting and scary for you and your loved ones by understanding and communicating your end of life wishes.

    Together, we identify what is important to you and what your choices are for end of life and after-death care.

    With compassion and honesty, we navigate whatever arises. We document your wishes and create a communications plan.

  • Ask for Help: End of Life Support

    Death can be tremendously scary, overwhelming and intimidating. Not knowing where to start or what is needed is normal.

    I am here to help. I meet you where you are in your journey - as the individual dying, as a family member, or as a loving caregiver.

    I provide knowledge of your options, a compassionate presence to lean into, and resources to move things forward.

  • Live with Loss: Grief Space Holding

    Express, hold and gently tend to your grief to ease suffering and eventually, meet your life again with openness and vitality.

    Grief is the healing process that ultimately brings comfort in our pain. There is no right way for grief to look or feel. Come as you are.

    I provide a safe space to witness your grief, education for sense-making, and rituals for letting go and honoring what has passed.

Start the Conversation

Schedule a complimentary introductory call and we will go from there.