Face the Unknown: The Power of End-of-Life Planning

Much of the fear and worry about the end of life comes from not knowing what to expect. Our brains like things predictable and familiar, so when they're not, we feel helpless, anxious, and confused. Questions weigh on our minds - how much time is left with a loved one after a terminal diagnosis, will your death will be peaceful, what happens after we die, and what is our legacy. We must try to make peace with these uncertainties in our own way. (much more to come on this topic, but I will drop the word “wrestle” in here as my simplest recommendation)

But there are things we can take care of in advance to give ourselves and our loved ones some stability as we navigate death and grief. End-of-life planning can provide comfort by helping us make choices and express our wishes for the end of our life, including medical, financial, personal, and spiritual decisions. This planning ensures our wishes are honored and reduces the burden on our loved ones to make tough decisions during an already emotional time.

What is included in a holistic end-of-life plan?

Purpose Who Needs It When It Takes Effect
Last Will + Testament Outlines how assets and property should be distributed and specifies guardianship for minor children. Can specify final arrangements. Everyone 18+, as soon as you have any assets or dependents. Date of death.

What is a Trust?
Transfers property or assets to a trustee to manage on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries. Not for everyone - dependent on certain situations. Immediately upon signing and funding.
Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) / Financial POA

Oregon DPOA
Grants authority to another person, known as an agent, to make financial and legal decisions on another's behalf in case they become incapacitated or otherwise unable to make those decisions. These decisions can include managing bank accounts, paying bills, and making investment decisions. Everyone 18+, no matter your health status. Immediately upon signing and becomes active once an individual is no longer able to make financial or legal decisions for self due to illness or injury.
Advance Directive

There are several types of Advance Directives, described below.
Allows individuals to specify preferences for medical treatment in advance, for situations where they may become incapacitated and unable to communicate their wishes. Everyone 18+, no matter your health status. Immediately upon signing and becomes active once an individual is too ill to make care decisions for self due to illness or injury.
Advance Directive: Medical Power of Attorney (MPOA)

Choosing a Health Care Proxy
Appoints a health care proxy, someone trusted to make medical decisions on their behalf if they are unable to do so. Everyone 18+, no matter your health status. Immediately upon signing and becomes active once an individual is too ill to make care decisions for self due to illness or injury.
Advance Directive: Living Will

Five Wishes Form
Oregon Advance Directive
Allows an individual to specify end-of-life care preferences in case they are ever unable to make and communicate decisions. Everyone 18+, no matter your health status. Immediately upon signing and becomes active once an individual is too ill to make care decisions for self due to illness or injury.
Advance Directive: HIPAA Release

Authorizes trusted individuals to receive your protected health information for specified purposes. Especially important in the case of an emergency and when you are unable to give consent. Everyone 18+, no matter your health status. As soon as the individual signs it and provides a copy to the covered entity. Remains in effect until it is revoked by the individual who signed it.
Advance Directive: POLST / MOLST Form

National POLST Org
A portable medical order that specifies an individual's preferences for life-sustaining treatments, such as resuscitation, intubation, and hospitalization, if they are nearing the end of life. It can be followed across different settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and home care. People living with serious or advanced illness, or who are medically frail and nearing the end of life. Immediately upon signing (requires physician signature as well).
Beneficiary Designations Comprehensive list of certain assets with designated beneficiaries. Beneficiary designations can supersede the instructions in a will. People who hold assets such as life insurance policies, annuities, retirement accounts, investment accounts, and bank accounts. Date of death.
After-Death Care Plan

Green Burial Guide
Home Funeral Guidebook
Outlines information and requests for funeral arrangements, transportation of body, obituary, etc. It also designates a funeral agent, the person who makes funeral decisions. Everyone 18+, no matter your health status. N/A
Folder of Important Information

Personal Estate Planning Kit
Provides one place to find important documents like passwords, insurance policies, financial account information, keys, mortgages, debts, military records, etc. Everyone 18+, no matter your health status. N/A
Letter of Intent Expresses an individual's wishes around end-of-life decisions. Can be used to more personally share your beliefs and values, the reasons behind your choices. Everyone 18+, no matter your health status. N/A

End-of-life planning is a complex and often emotional process, but it can provide peace of mind and can help loved ones to honor and celebrate a person's life and memory in a way that is meaningful and respectful. 

You may be wondering, where to start? I recommend first spending time reflecting on your values and starting conversations with those closest to you about what truly matters. When you think of your end of life, what do you envision? All the best documentation ultimately cannot answer every single decision in advance, but knowing your values will guide everyone along the way. Once ready, begin documenting your preferences in the various legal forms above. If you need assistance, I am here for you with knowledge, emotional support, and to help you keep things moving forward.


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